Getting Started With Talon Commands

This sheet is a collection of voice commands to make it easier to get started using Talon to control your computer. These commands are all from the recommended command set knausj-talon, which, if you followed the instructions from, you will have installed. This sheet is designed to help you learn some of the most basic commands first.

Voice commands are on the left-hand side. Explanations for what they do are on the right.

hello world A basic Talon command is a word or a phrase.
hello [with an optional phrase] Anything in square braces in a command phrase is optional.
hi+ Any word or phrase with a + after it means 'this word or phrase can be said one or more times in a row.
hiya | hola A vertical bar means 'or', as in, you can say 'hiya' or 'hola' to activate this command.
(hello goodbye) | (hi bye) To group phrases together, put parentheses around the words you want to group as a phrase. This means that things like *, + or | will apply to the whole group.
{user.greetings} If you see a word in curly braces, that means that there is a list of words you can pick off of. So to trigger this command, find the list user.greetings and pick a word or phrase off of it.
<user.salutations> If you see a word in angle brackets, that means it represents a pattern (also known as a 'capture' in Talon). Patterns are made of all of the above elements, and instead of writing down a really long pattern you write out the pattern in python and give it a useful name. Of course, in order to speak the command pattern, you have to know the words and phrases that make it up.

Commands for Pressing Keys And Key Combinations

go <user.arrow-keys> Given a sequence of directions, eg. 'left left up', moves the cursor accordingly using edit.{left,right,up,down}.
<user.letter> Press letter (One letter key).
(ship | uppercase) <user.letters> [(lowercase | sunk)] Insert <letters> formatted as ALL-CAPS.
<user.symbol-key> Press symbol-key (One symbol key).
<user.function-key> Press function-key (One function key).
<user.special-key> Press special-key (One special key).
<user.modifiers> <user.unmodified-key> Press one or more keys by name, space-separated.
press <user.modifiers> Press modifiers (One or more modifier keys).
press <user.keys> Press keys (A sequence of one or more keys with optional modifiers).
<user.number-string> Insert <number-string> (Parses a number phrase, returning that number as a string.).

Commands For Individual Keys On A Keyboard

user.letter list 1 of 3
Description : The spoken phonetic alphabet
air a
bat b
cap c
drum d
each e
fine f
gust g
harp h
sit i
jury j
user.letter list 2 of 3
Description : The spoken phonetic alphabet
crunch k
look l
made m
near n
odd o
pit p
quench q
red r
sun s
trap t
user.letter list 3 of 3
Description : The spoken phonetic alphabet
urge u
vest v
whale w
plex x
yank y
zip z
user.symbol-key list 1 of 8
Description : All symbols from the keyboard
dot .
point .
quote '
question ?
apostrophe '
L square [
left square [
square [
R square ]
right square ]
user.symbol-key list 2 of 8
Description : All symbols from the keyboard
slash /
backslash \
minus -
dash -
equals =
plus +
tilde ~
bang !
down score -
underscore -
user.symbol-key list 3 of 8
Description : All symbols from the keyboard
paren (
brace {
left brace {
brack {
bracket {
left bracket {
r brace }
right brace }
r brack }
r bracket }
user.symbol-key list 4 of 8
Description : All symbols from the keyboard
right bracket }
angle <
left angle <
less than <
rangle >
R angle >
right angle >
greater than >
star *
hash #
user.symbol-key list 5 of 8
Description : All symbols from the keyboard
percent %
caret ^
amper &
pipe |
dub quote "
double quote "
dollar $
pound £
` `
, ,
user.symbol-key list 6 of 8
Description : All symbols from the keyboard
back tick `
grave `
comma ,
coma ,
period .
full stop .
semicolon ;
colon :
forward slash /
question mark ?
user.symbol-key list 7 of 8
Description : All symbols from the keyboard
exclamation mark !
exclamation point !
asterisk *
hash sign #
number sign #
percent sign %
at sign @
and sign &
ampersand &
dollar sign $
user.symbol-key list 8 of 8
Description : All symbols from the keyboard
pound sign £
hyphen -
L paren (
left paren (
R paren )
right paren )
user.number-key list
Description : All number keys
zero 0
one 1
two 2
three 3
four 4
five 5
six 6
seven 7
eight 8
nine 9
user.modifier-key list
Description : All modifier keys
alt alt
control ctrl
shift shift
super super
user.arrow-key list
Description : All arrow keys
down down
left left
right right
up up
user.special-key list 1 of 2
Description : All special keys
end end
enter enter
escape escape
home home
insert insert
pagedown pagedown
pageup pageup
space space
tab tab
wipe backspace
user.special-key list 2 of 2
Description : All special keys
delete backspace
forward delete delete
page up pageup
page down pagedown
menu key menu
print screen printscr
user.function-key list 1 of 2
Description : All function keys
F one f1
F two f2
F three f3
F four f4
F five f5
F six f6
F seven f7
F eight f8
F nine f9
F ten f10
user.function-key list 2 of 2
Description : All function keys
F eleven f11
F twelve f12
user.arrow-keys capture
Description: One or more arrow keys separated by a space
<self.arrow-key> +
user.arrow-keys capture
Description: One or more arrow keys separated by a space
<self.arrow-key> +
user.symbol-key capture
Description: One symbol key
user.function-key capture
Description: One function key
user.special-key capture
Description: One special key
user.modifiers capture
Description: One or more modifier keys
{self.modifier-key} +
user.keys capture
Description: A sequence of one or more keys with optional modifiers
<self.key> +
user.key capture
Description: A single key with optional modifiers
{self.modifier-key} * <self.unmodified-key>
user.letter capture
Description: One letter key
user.number-key capture
Description: One number key
user.letters capture
Description: Multiple letter keys
{self.letter} +
user.function-key capture
Description: One function key

Dictation Mode Commands

Dictation Mode
press <user.modifiers> Press modifiers (One or more modifier keys).
press <user.keys> Press keys (A sequence of one or more keys with optional modifiers).
<user.raw-prose> Inserts dictated text, formatted appropriately.
cap Sets the dictation formatter to capitalize.
(no cap | no-caps) Sets the dictation formatter to not capitalize.
(no space | no-space) Sets the dictation formatter to not prepend a space.
cap that Capitalizes the last utterance.
(no cap | no-caps) that Lowercases the last utterance.
(no space | no-space) that Removes space before the last utterance.
go up <number-small> (line | lines) Move cursor up one row. Repeat <number-small> - 1 times.
go down <number-small> (line | lines) Move cursor down one row. Repeat <number-small> - 1 times.
go left <number-small> (word | words) Move cursor left one word. Repeat <number-small> - 1 times.
go right <number-small> (word | words) Move cursor right one word. Repeat <number-small> - 1 times.
go line start Move cursor to start of line.
go line end Move cursor to end of line.
select left <number-small> (word | words) Extend selection left one word. Repeat <number-small> - 1 times.
select right <number-small> (word | words) Extend selection right one word. Repeat <number-small> - 1 times.
select left <number-small> (character | characters) Extend selection left one column. Repeat <number-small> - 1 times.
select right <number-small> (character | characters) Extend selection right one column. Repeat <number-small> - 1 times.
clear left <number-small> (word | words) Extend selection left one word. Repeat <number-small> - 1 times. Delete selection.
clear right <number-small> (word | words) Extend selection right one word. Repeat <number-small> - 1 times. Delete selection.
clear left <number-small> (character | characters) Extend selection left one column. Repeat <number-small> - 1 times. Delete selection.
clear right <number-small> (character | characters) Extend selection right one column. Repeat <number-small> - 1 times. Delete selection.
formatted <user.format-text> Inserts text as-is, without invoking the dictation formatter.
format selection <user.formatters> Reformats the current selection.
scratch that Clears the last phrase.
scratch selection Delete selection.
select that Selects the last phrase.
spell that <user.letters> Inserts dictated text, formatted appropriately.
spell that <user.formatters> <user.letters> Let <result> be <letters> (formatted with <formatters>). Inserts text as-is, without invoking the dictation formatter.
escape <user.text> Inserts dictated text, formatted appropriately.
voice command <phrase> Inserts dictated text, formatted appropriately.
tick <phrase> tick Insert text at the current cursor position, automatically formatting it using the
file save Press one or more keys by name, space-separated. Skip the current walk through step. Press one or more keys by name, space-separated. Move cursor to start of line. Resets the dictation formatter.
step <number-small> Skips directly to a specific walk through step.

Keywords To Use In Dictation Mode Commands

user.raw-prose capture
Description: Mixed words and punctuation, auto-spaced & capitalized, without quote straightening and commands (for use in dictation mode).
( {user.vocabulary} | {user.punctuation} | {user.prose-snippets} | <phrase> | <user.prose-number> )+
user.number-string capture
Description: Parses a number phrase, returning that number as a string.
(six | eight | twelve | four | seventeen | five | sixteen | three | zero | nineteen | seven | eighty | fifty | eighteen | thirteen | eleven | seventy | thirty | two | one | ninety | sixty | fifteen | ten | nine | fourteen | forty | twenty) ([and] (zero | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | oh | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen | fifteen | sixteen | seventeen | eighteen | nineteen | twenty | thirty | forty | fifty | sixty | seventy | eighty | ninety | thousand | million | billion | trillion | quadrillion | quintillion | sextillion | septillion | octillion | nonillion | decillion | hundred))*
digit-string capture
Description: Capture a series of digits as a string
((zero | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | oh) | (ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen | fifteen | sixteen | seventeen | eighteen | nineteen) | (twenty | thirty | forty | fifty | sixty | seventy | eighty | ninety))+
number capture
Description: Capture a naturally-spoken positive integer of any size
number-small capture
Description: Capture a naturally-spoken integer under 100
user.text capture
Description: A sequence of words, including user-defined vocabulary.
( {user.vocabulary} | <phrase>)+
user.formatters capture
Description: Returns a comma-separated string of formatters e.g. 'SNAKE,DUBSTRING'
{self.formatters} +
user.punctuation list 1 of 3
Description : words for inserting punctuation into text
` `
, ,
back tick `
grave `
comma ,
coma ,
period .
full stop .
semicolon ;
colon :
user.punctuation list 2 of 3
Description : words for inserting punctuation into text
forward slash /
question mark ?
exclamation mark !
exclamation point !
asterisk *
hash sign #
number sign #
percent sign %
at sign @
and sign &
user.punctuation list 3 of 3
Description : words for inserting punctuation into text
ampersand &
dollar sign $
pound sign £
hyphen -
L paren (
left paren (
R paren )
right paren )
user.prose-snippets list
Description : Snippets that can be used within prose
new line <br />
new paragraph <br /> <br />
open quote
close quote
smiley :-)
winky ;-)
frowny :-(
user.prose-number-with-dot capture
numeral <user.number-string> (dot | point) <digit-string>
user.formatter-immune capture
Description: Text that can be interspersed into a formatter, e.g. characters. <br /> <br /> It will be inserted directly, without being formatted.
( <user.symbol-key> | (numb | numeral) <number>)
user.formatters list 1 of 2
Description : list of formatters
all cap all cap
all down all down
camel camel
dotted dotted
dub string dub string
dunder dunder
hammer hammer
kebab kebab
packed packed
padded padded
user.formatters list 2 of 2
Description : list of formatters
slasher slasher
smash smash
snake snake
string string
title title

Commands to Replace A Mouse

Mouse Grid Always
mouse grid Brings up mouse grid. Show mouse grid.
grid win Places the grid on the currently active window. Show mouse grid.
grid <user.number-key> + Show mouse grid. Choose fields multiple times in a row.
grid screen [<number>] Brings up mouse grid. Show mouse grid.
Mouse Grid Open
<user.number-key> Choose a field of the grid and narrow the selection down.
grid off Close the active grid.
grid reset Resets the grid to fill the whole screen again.
grid back Sets the grid state back to what it was before the last command.
control mouse Toggle Control Mouse (Legacy).
zoom mouse Toggle Control Mouse (Zoom).
camera overlay Toggle Control Mouse 2 (Debug View).
run calibration Calibrate Eye Tracking.
touch Press and release a mouse button. Close the active grid. Releases any held mouse buttons.
righty Press and release a mouse button. Close the active grid.
mid click Press and release a mouse button. Close the active grid.
<user.modifiers> touch Press one or more keys by name, space-separated. Press and release a mouse button. Press one or more keys by name, space-separated. Close the active grid.
<user.modifiers> righty Press one or more keys by name, space-separated. Press and release a mouse button. Press one or more keys by name, space-separated. Close the active grid.
(dub click | duke) Press and release a mouse button. Press and release a mouse button. Close the active grid.
(trip click | trip lick) Press and release a mouse button. Press and release a mouse button. Press and release a mouse button. Close the active grid.
left drag | drag Press and hold/release a specific mouse button for dragging. Close the active grid.
right drag | righty drag Press and hold/release a specific mouse button for dragging. Close the active grid.
end drag | drag end Releases any held mouse buttons.
wheel down Scrolls down.
wheel down here move the mouse cursor to the center of the currently active window. Scrolls down.
wheel tiny [down] Scrolls down.
wheel tiny [down] here move the mouse cursor to the center of the currently active window. Scrolls down.
wheel downer Scrolls down continuously.
wheel downer here move the mouse cursor to the center of the currently active window. Scrolls down continuously.
wheel up Scrolls up.
wheel up here move the mouse cursor to the center of the currently active window. Scrolls up.
wheel tiny up Scrolls up.
wheel tiny up here move the mouse cursor to the center of the currently active window. Scrolls up.
wheel upper Scrolls up continuously.
wheel upper here move the mouse cursor to the center of the currently active window. Scrolls up continuously.
wheel gaze Starts gaze scroll.
wheel gaze here move the mouse cursor to the center of the currently active window. Starts gaze scroll.
wheel stop Stops scrolling.
wheel stop here move the mouse cursor to the center of the currently active window. Stops scrolling.
wheel left Scrolls left.
wheel left here move the mouse cursor to the center of the currently active window. Scrolls left.
wheel tiny left Scrolls left.
wheel tiny left here move the mouse cursor to the center of the currently active window. Scrolls left.
wheel right Scrolls right.
wheel right here move the mouse cursor to the center of the currently active window. Scrolls right.
wheel tiny right Scrolls right.
wheel tiny right here move the mouse cursor to the center of the currently active window. Scrolls right.
copy mouse position Copy the current mouse position coordinates.
curse no Show a desktop notification.

Commands To Manage Windows

Window Management (Windows)
window (new | open) Open a new window.
window next Switch to next window for this app.
window last Switch to previous window for this app.
window close Close the current window.
focus <user.running-applications> Focus a new application by name.
focus Open a menu of running apps to switch to.
running list Shows/hides all running applications.
running close Hides list of running applications.
launch <user.launch-applications> Launch a new application by path (all OSes), or AppUserModel-ID path on Windows.
snap <user.window-snap-position> Move the active window to a specific position on-screen.
snap next [screen] Move the active window to a specific screen.
snap last [screen] Move the active window to the previous screen.
snap screen <number> Move the active window leftward by one.
snap <user.running-applications> <user.window-snap-position> Snap a specific application to another screen.
snap <user.running-applications> [screen] <number> Move a specific application to another screen.
user.window-snap-positions list 1 of 3
Description : Predefined window positions for the current window. See `RelativeScreenPos`.
left left
right right
top top
bottom bottom
center third center third
left third left third
right third right third
left two thirds left two thirds
right two thirds right two thirds
top left top left
user.window-snap-positions list 2 of 3
Description : Predefined window positions for the current window. See `RelativeScreenPos`.
top right top right
bottom left bottom left
bottom right bottom right
top left third top left third
top right third top right third
top left two thirds top left two thirds
top right two thirds top right two thirds
top center third top center third
bottom left third bottom left third
bottom right third bottom right third
user.window-snap-positions list 3 of 3
Description : Predefined window positions for the current window. See `RelativeScreenPos`.
bottom left two thirds bottom left two thirds
bottom right two thirds bottom right two thirds
bottom center third bottom center third
center center
full full
fullscreen fullscreen
tiny tiny
user.prose-number-with-dot capture
numeral <user.number-string> (dot | point) <digit-string>